Happy Spring to You!
Hello my friends in art and beauty.... This is just a quick hello to tell you all that I think of you in this uncertain time. Spring is here. The birds are busy building nests and feeding their babies and carrying on despite what is happening to the humans in their world. Life is going on as it always does...Time continues to march on and life will likely be very different for all of us for some time to come. I am hoping that you are all healthy and safe and somewhat sane! I have been very busy in the studio challenging myself to complete a painting a day everyday for the month of April...I'm halfway there! I'm including some of my efforts for you to see and enjoy! My family and I are safe and healthy. The nest is full again with our adult children home from college early...Travel plans needed to be postponed and while that is just some of the disappointments in my little bubble, I cannot complain one bit because I have health and stability and a home full of love and art!
These pieces of work I am sharing with you today are mostly small renderings and can be found on my website https://www.donnatheresafineart.com My time as an artist is largely spent in solitude...Life during this time of isolation has been a lesson in patience and gratitude and learning to use very little of everything! I find the silver linings in listening to the birds sing and reading stories of the animal world coming out to play! Perhaps the world is healing a little bit... Hoping you are all well and would love to hear from you!