Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Where do artists get their inspiration? 
For me, I pay attention to everything.  While I take a walk or drive in the car, I am looking at the light. How does it play on the trees, the buildings.  I take a lot of photos....lately I am noticing the sky and clouds.  I wish to paint the clouds as I see them....not from a photo...but perhaps how I remember them when I took the photo.  Was it chilly outside? What season? Looking for colors that we don't usually associate with clouds and sky, I see greens and lavenders and pinks and oranges....white is often not what I see.... and the sky? Well, what color do you see?
Today I painted a vista of the Santa Cruz Harbor from a distant view. I am so lucky to live in this beautiful place. Perhaps, you'll want to visit someday?

Dry underpainting using Rembrandt soft pastels and Terry Ludwig pastels.

Finished painting on watercolor paper colored with acrylic ink and primed with clear gesso.
"Santa Cruz Harbor" © Donna Gross
Available contact artist

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