Monday, July 30, 2018

Autumnal Chill

" Colorful Promenade"   Pastel  5x7  © Donna Gross
Available contact artist

The weather is beginning to "turn" ....I mentioned to my husband  this morning....As our Earth turns , so does our weather and the daily experience of living .  We are sleeping with the windows closed now for the first time in maybe 5 months.....I awake with 3 of our 4 felines molded to my sleeping body seeking warmth...For me, autumn has always been an exciting time....Time for a new school year...Time for another birthday....Halloween and the perfusion of the color orange in everything ...pumpkins, leaves, leaves and more leaves that seem to accumulate only in my front yard!!
I feel giddy at night when it is time to hop into my p.j.'s and curl up with a book feeling an overwhelming almost breathtaking  realization that I have a home...a roof over my head....warm blankets and food...
It is with this immense gratitude that I sit at my easel everyday to paint.  How lucky am I to have discovered this passion at this time in my life....for it is simply never to late to find your creative self...don't wait until whatever you think you have to wait for....just do it....create in any way that pleases you....and be grateful....


Unknown said...

This autumn scene is glorious! Rich colors of fall always make me think of warm fleece jackets for the crisp cool nights. Beautiful, Donna!

Donna Theresa Fine Art said...

Thank you Robin! Thinking of you tonight as I listen to "Le Petit Rien" on YouTube....
Great lesson today...always helping me along my artful journey!

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