Saturday, November 4, 2017

Overworking a Painting

"Floral Study"  Pastel  5 x 7  © Donna Gross
Available contact artist
Some painting sessions go on toooooo long.  I just don't know when to quit!! I hear this from many artists and I am subject to the same pitfall.  
Today I prepared an 8 x 10 canvas board first with acrylic ink...


Then I added a layer of gesso...

While my underpainting was drying I decided to do a small study of the idea I wanted to paint today based on this reference still life.  I went grocery shopping today and saw these stock flowers .... I had the vase in mind and my goal was to paint the vase transparent with directional light , highlighting the stems......
My reference still life

And so while I waited, I pulled out one a olive green toned 5 x 7 Ampersand pastel board.
Many hours later....many layers later....I did not achieve transparency...I settled with the piece pictured at the top of this post.  Tomorrow, I will try again to achieve my original goal using my prepared 8 x 10 canvas board.  The lesson?  simple....
Less is always more.

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