Thursday, February 22, 2018

This Paper Can Take It!

"Soquel Creek in Autumn"  Pastel 9 x 12 © Donna Gross
Available contact artist
I tortured this piece of pastel paper today! Uart 400 grit is gritty!! 
Last night I prepared it with a wash using Inktense color blocks and alcohol.  I loaded the color on!  After piano practice this morning, I headed out to the studio with coffee in hand.  I had my photo yummy pastels....classical music on the radio...check.....begin.
I can't really tell you how many layers are on this piece or how many times I scrubbed it away with a toothbrush only to start anew.... At the ripe hour of 5:30 p.m., duty called and I had to figure out what to do to feed my family....darn domestic duties do get in the way of artistic pursuits!! 
I called it a day . Not sure if I am finished. I'll give it a day or two or....
Uart paper can take a licking and keep on sticking!

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