Monday, November 20, 2017

Paper is so important!!

"Bears Ears National Monument"  Pastel  11 x 6 © Donna Gross
Available contact artist
I just love these mountains . This is my second rendering of this image. The current administration wants to decrease the size of this beloved National Monument.....ugh.
Today , I needed to paint in the most desperate way...It is where I can forget my worries and obsessions and get lost in the world of color and texture and NPR...or sometimes KBACH classical music station.
Today's palette was in keeping with the local color of the photo reference. Yet, I was disciplined and PLANNED!!
I chose my limited palette before I began using three little dishes from my mother's china collection to separate darks, middle values, and lights.
With fewer pieces of chalk in front of me, I was able to keep my focus on the values and KEEP IT SIMPLE.

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