Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Tuesday Art with Friends

"Strawberry Teacup"  Pastel 7 x 5  © Donna Gross
Art is a solitary pursuit.... we create often alone in our studios or out in the outdoors for a plein air session.  A good artist friend of mine started an art group social about 3 or 4 months ago.  We met on Tuesdays from 10 - 1pm....She would put a still life display on a table that we gathered around.  Coffee would be served and often she would offer a home baked item to enjoy..
What a lovely way to do art...with friends.  My dear friend went home to Paris for a few months...really maybe it will be longer...we all miss her ... and so the gathering now takes place at my house.... It is the highlight of my week.... Art should be shared with friends and the world....Create and put it out there...what else are you going to do with all your lovely art?

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