Monday, April 23, 2018

Variety....The Spice of Life!!

"Getting Ready"  Pastel  12 x 9  © Donna Gross
I needed a change.  I love change.  I used to rearrange the furniture often before I lived in our small quaint house...drove my family crazy!! 
Creating tabletop displays was a favorite childhood activity of mine.  My dream job was to be a "window dresser" today's world that's referred to as Merchandising...I like "window dresser"better. 
The landscape is what I am most comfortable painting.  However, I am drawn to the figure. In fact, I studied figure drawing for several years at our local college and then through our Art League here in Santa Cruz.  To me, there is no greater challenge than to render the human figure, or animal figure believably....capturing the gesture and movement of the figure is captivating ....
So today, I changed it up a bit...I painted a figure...I got my need for change fulfilled and I didn't have to move the couch!!

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