Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Stepping Up My Game!

A Riverview Morning Walk  Pastel 10 x 17
Capitola Palms Pastel 14 x 10
 This past weekend I participated in The Capitola Plein Air Painting competition! For three days I awoke at dawn and headed out for a day of painting putting as much pastel onto paper as I could get done! I produced 8 paintings in 3 days! Phew, I am tired and taking a much needed breather!

Jetty At High Tide  Pastel 8 x 10
Morning Cliff Walk  Pastel 6 x 8

Rail or Trail  Pastel 10 x 11
The other participating artist were the best in this area and beyond, some having flown in to compete in this event! Intimidated? You bet! However, there is something I learned a long time ago in my dance training....if you want to improve, train with better dancers! So too, it is with art...I was honored to be juried into this competition and excited to paint alongside some seasoned professionals. 

Remember When Pastel 11 x 14
 I even sold a painting and that felt very gratifying.  Taking risks...doing what challenges you...this moves us forward to try to accomplish what our small minds tell us is impossible. Two years ago I would not claim to be a fine artist.
Today, I can say I have arrived and I am thriving! Follow along on my journey!
You can find all these available paintings @

The View from Park Avenue  Pastel 10 x 10

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