Monday, December 17, 2018

"Solstice Twilight" Original Pastel 8 x 10
Available @

The longest day of the year approaches as the last days of 2018 wind down. As is so inevitable, often we take this time of year in the calm winter days to review our lives over the past year.
Did you set any goals? Did your dreams come true? Was life good to you this past year?
For me, 2018 proved a fruitful and creative year. I wish to thank all of you my friends and art enthusiasts for your support as I continue on my artful journey. Art is meant to be shared. It gives me humble pleasure to share my artistic creations with all of you. If I can shine a little joy and beauty your way every now and then, my efforts are rewarded.
From my heart to yours, thank you and may your season of gratitude be fulfilled…
Happy Solstice and Cheers in the coming of the new year.


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