Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Merry Christmas

"Christmas Magic"  Pastel  13 x 19

Season's Greetings fellow artists, friends, bloggers everywhere....
This piece was a lesson with master Marla Baggetta that I painted along with via video live stream.
I think my mom would have liked this piece.  Maybe a reminder of her youth in Rhode Island?
Seventeen years ago today, my mom passed away... so today I am thinking about her and her life.
I know that I inherited a good many traits from her.  Her love of good fashion. Her appreciation of a dust free environment!  Quite ironic that I work in soft pastel which generates a boat load of dust!
Her industrious nature... she worked hard...sometimes too hard to the exclusion of rest a relaxation... I think Mom would have enjoyed my children had she known them...and they her. I inherited her tenacity to see through a tough situation... her loyalty to her children... she always said " I love you".
I am blessed with wonderful kids who are now college age and independent.  My son is a student pilot and now flies in the sky in a small airplane ! I kiss him every time he leaves to go up.... he is pursuing his dream....
My daughter loves to learn and is thriving at her university...
My children and my husband have re-defined my idea of family... they have given me the gift of belonging...
To my mom and my family... a peaceful season of magic.

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